Steve or Barry? A surprise for Megan and Harry on their wedding day!

The farm echidna… is it Steve? Or Barry?

The farm echidna… is it Steve? Or Barry?

In 2020, I was lucky enough officiate the royal wedding of the year - real Megan and Harry. Those other two are SOOOOO 2018. Even better, they asked me to stay on and MC the reception… and I prepared a little surprise!

Out at the farm, in WA’s Wheatbelt, these lovebirds stumbled across an echidna. They’re known to be in the area, but not many of them, so seeing one take up residence on the property caused a bit of excitement… and a bit of conflict over what his name should be.

Megan insisted on calling him Steve. Harry was sure his name is Barry. And I told them there was only one way to know for sure, to settle the score once and for all at their wedding reception! Watch the video to see who won!

Candice Bydder

Having worked for 10 years as a journalist working in TV, radio, print and public relations across Western Australia, I’ve developed a knack for telling a good story. Love stories are among the happiest and most uplifting stories, so a career as a marriage celebrant was a natural fit. My expertise in video and audio broadcasting is an added bonus, meaning you’ll be heard when it matters most.

Steph and Brad's rustic farm romance at Yoothamurra Homestead


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