Why is an elopement cheaper than a full service wedding?

Generally, an elopement doesn’t require a rehearsal. I bring a smaller sound system (for music, if you want it) and the ceremony I write for you is a surprise on the day for maximum “aww” factor. 

Traditionally, elopements have just the bare minimum amount of people present (couple, celebrant, two adult witnesses), but you can have up to 10 adult guests there as well, if you like. Your kids, pets, and anyone you hire to make your elopement perfect (such as a chauffeur or photographer) are welcome to join us also!

Photo: Red Eclectic
Candice Bydder

Having worked for 10 years as a journalist working in TV, radio, print and public relations across Western Australia, I’ve developed a knack for telling a good story. Love stories are among the happiest and most uplifting stories, so a career as a marriage celebrant was a natural fit. My expertise in video and audio broadcasting is an added bonus, meaning you’ll be heard when it matters most.


What if I don’t really want to bring two witnesses with us on the day?


Why does the cost of a celebrant vary so much?