5 Questions with… wedding and elopement filmmaker Alan Ince

Western Australia is brimming with talented creatives who are thrilled to make wedding dreams come true. From time to time, I’ll profile a few of my favourite people to work with.

If there’s one thing I know about Alan Ince Films, it’s that he’s all about quality over quantity. It’s so important in creative fields to know when to give yourself the room to explore your craft. And now that he’s established (and in demand!), Alan has set some great professional boundaries to preserve his unique style and capture the celebrations that bring him the most joy - elopements and destination weddings!

Wedding filmmaker Alan Ince stands in a lush tropical garden, dressed impeccably and holding his camera equipment.

Alan Ince, of Alan Ince Films, is not only a top videographer, he’s a snappy dresser too!

1. What three words would you use to describe your videography style?  
Natural, Authentic and Romantic. 

2. What's the best compliment you've ever received when it comes to your wedding work? 
I sent a video to my couple and they emailed back saying that they bawled their eyes out, sitting in a Coles carpark, because of how beautiful it was. They also told me they planned to watch it every year on their anniversary. 

3. Describe your ideal wedding client.

My ideal couple are definitely adventurous, chilled and romantic. I'm not the kind of person who’ll pose a couple and expect them to enjoy kissing for hours. I want to create experiences, even if that means running out as the sun is setting and dancing in a wheat field. I believe the couples who are happy to go with the flow and have that sense of adventure will enjoy my work and the experience I can provide. 

4. Is there anything on your wedding bucket list?
An item from my wedding bucket list would definitely be heading somewhere completely isolated by nature, just pure intimacy, to film a wedding.

5. What's your favourite location in WA to shoot a wedding or elopement? 
I've filmed a lot of weddings but I don't think I have a favourite spot. Old Broadwater Farm would probably be a close first in my opinion. 

Are you a wedding business in Western Australia who would love to be featured? Contact me here!

Candice Bydder

Having worked for 10 years as a journalist working in TV, radio, print and public relations across Western Australia, I’ve developed a knack for telling a good story. Love stories are among the happiest and most uplifting stories, so a career as a marriage celebrant was a natural fit. My expertise in video and audio broadcasting is an added bonus, meaning you’ll be heard when it matters most.


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